A Word about Govenance

In everything we do, we want to honour Jesus and live in obedience to him. We want to follow Paul’s example in 2 Corinthians as he handles the gifts entrusted to him for the sake of others:

“We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.” (2 Cor 8:20-21)

That means making sure that we follow all the rules and doing the right things, especially when it comes to finances, property, government regulation, insurance, accountability and so on. Even though we are a young church, we aim to do things properly from day one so that those who are supporting us and those watching on can have confidence that we are doing the right thing.

City on a Hill Evangelical Church is registered charity. The property and finances of the church are administered by an Administration Team that is elect from the church membership.

Accountability and oversight for the ministry exists through a number of official and unofficial channels. The pastors submit to regular coaching as well as a Board of Reference made up of well respected Christian leaders who will be able to offer accountability, encouragement and support.

City on a Hill is in partnership with a number of churches in New Zealand and Australia. If you have any questions about governance, please contact us and ask.