Tips to avoid Cults on Campus
University is a great place to meet new people, explore interesting ideas and grow in your understanding of Jesus. Sadly this also makes the campus an attractive target for cults.
Recently a number of churches around town uncovered the activities of Shincheoji (SCJ) a deceptive cult. The way that SCJ worked was to recruit people out of existing churches and campus groups with the invitation to a Bible Study group or a mentor. This particular cult was extremely deceptive, would lie about who they were and what they were doing.
“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
Opposing critical thinking. Dismissing outside authorities.
Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving. Monopolising all of their time and relationships.
Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture.
Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders. Leaders controlling significant aspects of members lives.
Dishonouring the family unit.
Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (lying).
Separation from the local Church.
Sharing your personal details with people you have just met who are not connected to a recognised church or campus club.
Joining a Bible Study / Cell Group / Bible Class, that is not connected to a local church or recognised campus ministry.
Meeting with a mentor/life coach who is not connected to a local church or recognised campus ministry.
Groups or people who try to coerce you into keeping meetings/locations/names a secret.
Groups that encourage lying (i.e. using 'wisdom') to cover up their activities.
Commit to a local church and get involved. Don’t spend months 'church shopping’ but plug in to a community and prioritise getting along and serving each week.
Take responsibility for your own Christian growth while at Uni. Read your Bible, pray, invest in Christian friends and relationships.
Ask for help is you are unsure of anything either by contacting City on a Hill or someone you trust.
Find out more about SCJ here.