How to make the most of your time at Uni


There is nothing more important or life changing than getting to KNOW the God who made the world and everything good. Your time at uni is the perfect space to explore these bigger questions and really find satisfying answers.

We’d love to welcome you to our LIFE COURSE where you can discover what life is all about and Jesus claim that he came to ‘bring life and life to the full’.


Uni is a time to mature as you find out more about yourself and your place in God’s world. City on a Hill is a church where you can GROW as we read God’s word together each and every week - at NIGHT CHURCH and in COMMUNITY GROUPS. Be challenged to step up, own your faith and deepen in your knowledge and love of God.

Each week we have NIGHT CHURCH at 6pm. Check Times + Locations for where we are meeting this week. We praise God, hear from his word, ask questions, respond in prayer and hang together over a meal. COMMUNITY GROUPS also take place during the week where we can enjoy food, read the Bible and share life with other students.


You time at Uni isn’t just all about you and what you can get out of it. We’re convinced of Jesus’ words that ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ At City on a Hill there are opportunities to SOW into the lives of others where you can use your gifts to serve and bless a wider community.

Being part of a great church while you are at Uni means that you will make friends for life. On the first Friday of the month we meet together for SOCIAL HANGS to get to know our city and make new friends.”

Don’t be shy, let us know you’re here and we will make sure you get all the deets you need.

If you want to read all the fine print, that’s cool. You can find out heaps about our church here: