I've been spending much of this week thinking about the end of the world as I've been preparing Matthew 24. And as I've been doing that I've had R.E.M.'s It's The End Of The World As We Know It bouncing around in my head.
R.E.M.'s song runs like a stream of consciousness, not much of which makes any sense to me nor to the guy who wrote it who said it was inspired by a weird dream. It feels like you're switching TV stations every 3 seconds, catching half a sentence before switching to the next one.
That said, I do like the line 'Birthday party, cheesecake, jellybean, boom!' but, again, I'm not too sure what it is about!
However, the catchy chorus (🎶 It’s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine🎶) has got me thinking this week as I've read Matthew 24.
How do you feel about the end of the world?
Worried? Doubtful? Excited? Weary? Anxious? Ambivalent? Like R.E.M., do you feel fine?
According to Matthew 24, when it comes to the end of the world Jesus wants us to keep trusting him so we are not deceived.
'Jesus answered: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, “I am the Messiah,” and will deceive many.' (Matthew 24:4-5)
Often we think the deception will come in the form of a charismatic leader who forms some sort of doomsday cult. This may be true for some but I wonder if the deception may be more subtle than that.
The deception that Jesus isn't returning. The deception that this life is all there is. The deception that we can have God's blessing now rather than later. The deception that the suffering for Jesus isn't going to be worth it.
But Jesus is clear, don't be deceived, don't be alarmed. Jesus promises he will return and 'the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.'
Grace & peace,