eNews - 14th April 2022

Sometimes we can think that mission is something that happens 'over there' in other places and amongst other people. Or we can think that mission is separate from regular church life of seeing believers mature as followers of Jesus.

But Jesus sees no distinction.

In the most famous of all mission passages, Matthew 28, Jesus places mission and maturity right at the centre for every follower of Jesus.

"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [that's the mission bit!] and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you [that's the maturity bit!]. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

At City on a Hill, we're committed to both mission and maturity and we're committed to it here in Wellington and beyond.

On two consecutive days in June 2013, on a pre-emptive trip to Wellington, I met two different single women who had expressed interest in what we were doing as we were planning to plant a new church.

We met Shona (nee Bellringer now McGaughran) at a dodgy Thai restaurant on an even more dodgy night with our then two small children climbing the walls after a long day. It can only be attributed to a work of God that she wanted to have anything to do with us after that night!

The next day, after some difficulty finding a cafe that was still open at 4 pm, I had the chance to meet Felicity (nee Baker now Bayliss) at Ramsay House by the university. Some mutual connections meant Felicity was keen to see how things progressed with this small church plant.

The thing that was clear from both meetings was their passion for seeing the lost saved by Jesus and playing their part, whatever that was, in seeing that happen in Wellington.

Fast-forward 9 years and they (and their now husbands) are the two first 'home-grown' missionaries from City on a Hill.

Shona, Ross and little Eden are preparing over the next 18 months to serve God's church in Austria with European Christian while Felicity, Matthew along with Abigail and Renee are preparing to serve God's church around the world through Wycliffe Bible Translators from right here in Wellington.

We're privileged to have these two home-grown mission partners amongst us for the time being. Can I encourage you to get to know them and get to know their mission work? Spend some time asking them how they came to this decision for the course of their life, what is it about God's mission they find so compelling?

It is rare in church life that we will have mission partners so close to home so let's make the most of the opportunity to build deep connections so that we can partner with them in seeing the lost save both here in Wellington and all over the world.

Grace & peace,