eNews - 15th March 2024

'He must become greater; I must become less.’ John 3:30

I've been thinking a lot about this verse this week and I believe that it is the key to unlock real and genuine humility  as a follower of Jesus.

The dictionary definition is this:
humility | hjʊˈmɪlɪti | 
the quality of having a modest view of one's value or importance

But how do we gain this unassuming view of ourselves? 

Is it just by beating down our own egos? Is it by inflating those around us? Is it by thinking less of ourselves or thinking of ourselves less?

I think the key to real, genuine and lasting humility is right there on the lips of John the Baptist in John chapter 3. Making much of God and less of ourselves.

If there was any human being who could think much of themselves, you could forgive John the Baptist for thinking he was more important than most.

He was the greatest prophet of the Old Covenant. He was the one whose birth, life and ministry was prophesied hundreds of years earlier in the Bible that he would come to prepare the way for God himself to visit his people. He was Jesus cousin! He had influence and access to the most powerful people in all the land. He had a large personal following and a vast ministry to thousands of people. John the Baptist wasn't a nobody!

Despite all of this, when the temptation was there to hold on to his position and even to hold on to his own head (quite literally), he chose the path of humility.

But it wasn't just by making less of himself. It was by making much of Jesus.

He chose the path of seeking the good and the glory of God over and above his own desires, reputation and even personal safety. And in doing so he set before us a great example of humility.

Real and lasting humility will come when we focus on and make much of Jesus rather than ourselves. When our lives are devoted to seeing Jesus worshiped, honoured, known and glorified then that will overflow into how we think of and treat other people.

In a land that values humility we've all learnt how to play the game. We know that we don't blow our own trumpets. We know that we downplay our achievements and our contributions to success. We know that we reign in our ambition and act surprised when things turn out well.

But real humility comes when we give the God of the universe his due and make much of him rather than ourselves. 

'He must become greater; I must become less.’ John 3:30

Grace & peace, 