eNews - 22nd October 2021

We've really been blessed over the last few weeks by Paul's sermons on Psalm 119. I confess that often I feel like my time in the Bible can be a bit dry and dutiful but I think this comes from a misunderstanding of the whole exercise of spending time in God's word.

This week I was struck by Psalm 119:18 which will be preached on this Sunday,

'Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.'

Time spent in God's word is like a treasure hunt. We come to the Bible looking to mine it for the riches it contains so that our lives will be shaped and enriched by God's word.

I came across a helpful quote this week from an author Jen Wilkin,
‘For years I viewed my interaction with the Bible as a debit account: I had a need, so I went to the Bible to withdraw an answer. But we do much better to view our interaction with the Bible as a savings account: I stretch my understanding daily, I deposit what I glean, and I patiently wait for it to accumulate in value, knowing that one day I will need to draw on it.’

Is that how you come to God's word? Looking for riches that you can deposit for one day you will need to draw on the wisdom it gives, the character it shapes and the answers it reveals.

There is no more fruitful thing for us to do as a church than to refocus ourselves on God's word and remind ourselves that is where the real and lasting treasure can be found.

Grace & peace,