eNews - 24th June 2022

Jesus said, 'Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I commanded you.'

At City on a Hill we are totally convinced that the good news of Jesus is life-changing. Jesus offers 'life to the full' and nothing and no one else can provide lasting hope beyond the brokenness of our world. We’re to share this news to those people around us wherever God has placed us. But at City on a Hill we also want to provide a space for you to bring your friends to hear the news of Jesus in a clear and compelling way.

That’s why we run The Life Course multiple times throughout the year. You might have only heard it announced at church and wondering what actually happens at The Life Course.

The Life Course is designed to be a safe and no pressure space for people to bring friends along to think about the bigger questions of life and what Jesus says about them. It is designed for anyone but is especially helpful for those who might never have gone to church before.

One guest who came along said “I found the evenings really relaxed and helpful as I could just sit and listen and there was no pressure to believe.”

Each night of the Life Course we start by eating some delicious supper together and just getting to know others who have come along. Then there is a 40-minute presentation with lots of thought provoking videos and stories. During the presentation there is also time spent discussing the ideas with those seated around the table.

Each session builds upon one another as we explore five key questions:

  • What’s the purpose of Life?

  • Who is Jesus?

  • What did Jesus come to do?

  • How can we have hope beyond death?

  • What does life look like with Jesus?

At the end of each session, one of the hosts shares their personal story of how Jesus has changed their life. Then we open up for anyone to ask any questions they want.

Another guest who came along said, “I found The Life Course really helpful in giving me time to think about my life, what I’m pursuing and how Jesus radically impacts that.”

I always come away from The Life Course evenings deeply encouraged as each time God is at work changing lives and drawing people closer to himself. My prayer is that as a church we can continue to be sharing the news of Jesus personally but also be bold in inviting people along to the Life Course to hear, think through and receive the life Jesus offers them.

Grace & peace,