Keep listening to God’s powerful word!
This week we finish up our time in Hebrews where we have seen time and time again that Jesus is GREATER.
At the end of chapter 12, we read that,
"since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire.’"
With all the uncertainty floating around this week it is comforting to know that nothing can shake, cancel or disrupt the kingdom we are receiving in Jesus!
And helpfully, the challenge in this weeks passage is to keep on listening to God's word about Jesus. Even as the chaos reigns around us, keep listening to Jesus' powerful word!
This is exactly what we will do each and every week even though from time to time it will look a bit different.
Te Whaea (our Morning Church venue) has been close to external hires this week because of the COVID Alert Level 2. They are hoping to open up again soon (even if we remain at level 2) but it will not be open for us to use the venue for this weekend.
So the plan for this weekend for Morning Church is to run 'studio church' at 176 Tory Street which will be live-streamed along with an episode of Kids Church TV. Sadly we will not be able to have Kids Church at Tory Street but there will be room for a few people if they would like to come in person.
Can I encourage you to find some other to gather with for church on Sunday morning? Maybe you could invite someone from church around to join you this week?
Night Church will be running as per normal at 176 Tory Street at 6pm.
We will keep you posted of any changes via email as well as on our Facebook pages. If you have any questions about this weekend, please let me know.
Grace & peace,