Does the future have a church?
It is a reframing of a common question. Usually we're asking, 'What's the future of the church?' But in the age of post-modernity, the end of Christendom, declining church attendance and increasing hostility the question has been flipped. Can the church survive into the future? Is the future we're heading to a world where there will be a place for the church?
I think it is right to be concerned about the future and how God's people might find their place as worshippers and gospel proclaimers in an increasingly hostile culture. But I have zero concerns for the ongoing existence of the church in the world that God has made.
This is because as much as we might like to think we are the main agents in the establishing and growing of churches, God is actually the one who is at work. He is the one who draws people to himself through the gospel. He is the one who matures the saints by his Spirit and his Word. He is the one who guarantees the future of the church from now until the return of Jesus.
As we read in our community groups this week in 1 Corinthians 3,
'I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labour. For we are fellow workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.'
Does the future have a church? Absolutely. Guaranteed by God.
So the question for us right now is what does it mean to be God's church? We're going to be exploring this over the next six weeks as we look at six images the Bible uses for the church - Gathering, Building, Body, Flock, Family and Bride.
I believe that this series is vitally important for us as a church at we spend this time laying for deep biblical and theological foundations. I hope you can make it a priority to come along ready to hear from God's word about his precious church.
Grace & peace,