eNews - 2nd September 2022

I hope on Sunday you were encouraged as I was by the call to radical other-person centredness in Philippians 2. If you missed it you can catch up here.

As I mentioned on Sunday, I’m a chronic grumbler. I was really convicted by the call to “do everything without grumbling or arguing” (Phil 2:14). And I don’t think I’m alone in this.

But is grumbling really that bad? Are we being too hard on ourselves? Is it too much to expect to never grumble? Well, when it comes just after the call to “work out [our] salvation with fear and trembling” (2:12), we surely can’t be content to glance over this command and move on.

So how do we stop grumbling?

Just focussing on the specific command, and telling ourselves “Ok I’m not going to grumble, think positive thoughts, no grumbling, no grumbling…” is not going to get us very far.

If we want to see lasting change, as with any struggle against sinful behaviour, it’s helpful to start by looking at what’s behind it. When I grumble (or [insert sinful behaviour here]), what is it other than Christ that I’m valuing, treasuring, desiring ahead of Christ and his Kingdom? What aspect of the gospel do I need to remind myself of?

Perhaps I grumble because I’m discontent with what I have. I’ve forgotten God’s good provision of everything we need for life and godliness. I’ve forgotten to be grateful for everything he has given me. Try giving thanks for something at the start and end of each day and see if you grumble less!

Perhaps I grumble because I feel like my situation is unfair. I’ve forgotten that God doesn’t owe me anything. Jesus owed us nothing but judgment, and yet gave himself for us. How can we justify any sense of entitlement if that’s what Christ has done for us?

I often grumble because something has upset my plans. But I’m forgetting every moment of time is given by God. He’s not running late. He’s working out everything according to his plans. So the question is not - can I achieve what I need to achieve today, but - will I walk with God, whatever happens.

Why do you grumble? What’s God teaching you about finding contentment in him? Will you join me in pursuing and treasuring Christ ahead of myself? He’s a far better master.

Yours in Christ,