eNews - 5th August 2022

This week Paul and I have been in Melbourne at a leadership intensive run by and organisation called Reach Australia. It has been a time of reflecting on how we lead ourselves and God's people in the important task of multiplying and maturing wholehearted followers of Jesus.

We began with gospel convictions - things we know that are true from the scriptures and ought to put fire in our bellies, giving us a sense of urgency for the task at hand.

1. There is a Heaven and Hell. People's eternal destiny hangs in the balance.
2. The fact of the Cross. The only way people can be saved is through the cross. This must be central.
3. God' big vision. In Revelation 5 we see all creation worshiping Jesus. This is where it is all heading and we're caught up in this great work.
4. The brevity of life. Our task is urgent because life is short.
5. We're compelled by love. Love for God and love for others means we will act.
6. Gospel imperatives. God has been clear what he wants us to do. 'Go and make disciples!'

These convictions shape and drive and motivate all that we do at City on a Hill. Why not take a moment and reflect on them? Do you share them? Are there any you're not sure about? Which ones motivated you the most?

Grace & peace,