COVID Update - 19th August 2021

Kia ora whānau!

We're back into our bubbles but as a church community, we are very keen to do what we can to keep supporting one another in our church and the wider community. Here are a few quick things that we're hoping to do as a church at this time:

We're a church that prays 🙏
Pray for our leaders, medical professionals and essential workers. Pray also that this will be a short sharp lockdown and that it can be ended quickly and with confidence. We have the privilege to speak with the Lord of the universe and ask him the act - so let's make the most of it!

We're a church who cares ❤️
If you have any needs (or know someone who does) please be in touch. Send me an email/message or any of the team or your Community Group leader. You could also use this form or share it with a friend.

In our church and community there will be people experiencing a range of different emotions and facing many different challenges. Take some time in your day to reach out and support somone. Or if you are in need of support, speak up so others can (metaphorically) walk with you and help.

We're a church that connects 🤝
Staying connected with each other is super important during a lockdown like this. I know that Zoom-Community Group is not as good as meeting in person but it is always better than nothing. Make a priority to meet with God's people, pray and hear him speak to us through his word. Plan catch-ups with brothers and sisters from church to stay connected with one another.

We're a church that meets together ⛪️
This Sunday church will be online. We continue to hear God's word in the book of 1 Samuel, sing, pray and enjoy fellowship together. This week we will be running church via Zoom to up the level of community engagement. We will send out the link and all the relevant details tomorrow. You're most welcome to invite family and friends along... they're not going to be doing anything else!

This week we will provide a specially selected episode of Kids Church TV from the archives. It can be found at If we are unable to meet next Sunday as well, expect a fresh new episode of Kids Church TV!

Just a heads up, we will be live-streaming the Zoom Church Meeting on our usual page - This is so those who can't make Zoom work will still be able to engage with our church gathering. If you're uncomfortable with your Zoom being shared via live-stream you are most welcome to just watch via the website.

We're a church that loves our neighbours 👍
This means that we will be following the government and medical advice. There are times and situations where we might think that the rules ought not to apply to us but as Christians, we're to submit to earthly authorities. Let's glorify the name of Jesus and be known as a community that loved its neighbours by doing the right thing.

We're a church that trusts in God 💪
When faced with uncertainty we know and are known by the living God who is in control. Come to him for your comfort, strength and joy knowing that we have victory over sin, death and the devil through Jesus death on the cross. Let's adopt Paul's perspective from Romans 8:38-39,

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Kia kaha and grace & peace!