eNews - 13th August 2021

The church is like a bus...

This can be a helpful (but limited) way of understanding some of the different roles that people and groups play in making sure we're fulfilling the purpose that God has for us. The bus metaphor, in particular, can be used to explain the role of the Trustees and the Administration Team in relation to the church as a whole.

The role of the Trustees and the Admin team is to make sure the 'bus' is safe, legally registered and has enough fuel to get us where we want to go. They do a lot of the behind the scenes work to make sure the rest of the church is freed up to focus on the work of multiplying and maturing followers of Jesus.
If the bus isn't legally allowed to operate, if it is unsafe or runs out of fuel then the mission of the church will grind to a halt very quickly!


Within our governance structures, the Trustees are the legal office-bearers of the church. They sign contracts, pay bills and make sure we're doing all that we need to in order to fulfil our legal obligations as a church. This is overseen by the Admin Team which sets and reviews the budget, oversee church property and resources, plans for the future and ensures that the church is a safe and functioning environment for people to hear about Jesus.

At City on a Hill, we're blessed with a dedicated and servant-hearted group of Trustees and Admin Team. They strive to make sure we, as a church, have what we need to keep proclaiming the good news of Jesus to the city around us.

The Admin Team currently consists of myself, Stu Ashdown, Emily van Der wel, Andy Williams and Sharon Bousfield. Our two trustees, Matt Pearce and Lauren Broughton, also make up the remainder of the Admin Team.

Kelvin Walst recently resigned as a trustee with his move to Melbourne and Lauren has been appointed to take his place.

Please be praying for and encouraging the Admin Team and Trustees. They work hard behind the scenes so that we, as a church, have all that we need to love Jesus and love Wellington.

Grace & peace,