eNews - 14th February 2025

This Sunday marks a significant milestone in the life of our church, with the official launch of a new congregation in the Hutt Valley.

Even if you don't live in the Hutt, you'd be most welcome to come and be part of this moment in our church's history.

As we start this new venture, I'm reminded of a time during Bible college in Sydney, when Claire and I were part of a new church plant. The planter was a super energetic, gifted leader, who had discipled me when I first became a Christian. 

He invited me, along with other trainee leaders, to come along to a training night on "how are we going to plant this church". I was super keen to hear how he would "sell his vision" and get all his hot tips on how to plant a church. 

I'll never forget how strikingly simple his approach was. To be honest, it was a bit anticlimactic - especially for someone like me who loves novelty!

But here's the 3 things he said we needed. The 3 Ps. Prayer, Preaching and People. Pray for God's help. Preach the gospel clearly and compellingly. And love People, whoever we can, and however they come.

Starting a new church is hard, it's complex, it's exciting, it's risky and perhaps even a bit scary. But in a way it's really simple, and it’s what City on a Hill has been trying to do from the beginning. It's what Jesus' followers have been doing for 2 millennia. Prayer, Preaching and People. 

So, as we embark on this new chapter for our church - let's keep doing what we're doing.

Pray - let’s keep praying that God would draw people to himself in the Hutt through our church. Whether they be lost sheep who have been wandering away and need to come home, or new sheep that are yet to hear his voice and come to him. This is God’s work, we are simply his instruments. Would you take a moment now and pray once more for this Sunday?

Preach - let’s always be ready to give an answer for the hope we have.  Let’s keep sitting under the preaching of God’s word for ourselves, let's bring the word to bear for each other as we gather during the week, and let’s bring our friends to come and hear the word preached.

Love People - let’s shine the light of Christ’s love to the lost world around us. Let’s look to the interests of others, not ourselves, especially at all our Sunday gatherings (especially in the Hutt!) as we welcome newcomers. As he has so loved us, so also ought we love one another and the neighbours around us. 

Can’t wait to see what God does next in and through our church whanau!

Yours in Christ,