eNews - 7th February 2025

How have you found our summer in the book of Colossians?

A highlight and verse I’ve been dwelling on is Colossians 1:28-29:

“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”

We can often think that maturing is a matter of age— as we grow older, maturity comes with it. But that’s not always the case. A highlight for me over the last 6 years of being at City on a Hill is seeing how the kids and youth have matured in Christ.

The reason I’ve been reflecting on maturity, especially in light of these verses in Colossians, is that it’s the same verse we had at the youth team leaders' meeting last year. As youth leaders, we’re praying that we would be able to make Christ known and teach the youth with wisdom. Thankfully, we leave the ‘admonishing’ of the youth to the parents 😊. But, like Paul, we want to be working hard to build connections with the youth, putting in effort on Friday nights and Sunday mornings to help them continue to grow and mature in Christ.

Here are a few ways we’re working toward this:

Setting an example – I remember when I was in youth group, I would look up to my youth leaders as people to follow, so we want to ensure that our own lives model Christlikeness.

Connecting with the youth – We want to understand them: what they like and dislike. This way, when we gather each week, we can connect with them in a way that makes youth an enjoyable place they look forward to attending.

Pointing them to Jesus – Most importantly we want to be always pointing them to Jesus. So, when they come to us with questions, fears, or doubts, we pray with them, turning to God’s Word together, letting the Bible shape and mature us in Christ.

At youth, we don’t aim for perfectly behaved teenagers, but instead, we want to see young people continue to grow in their faith and become mature young adults who have built their lives on Christ.

As the schools return for 2025 so does City on a Hill youth group on Friday nights. It starts this evening from 7pm at 39 Webb Street (Our Ministry Hub). If you know anyone in the intermediate or college age, please do invite them along to youth group or even bring them along to our night church to meet some of our youth leaders.

So as we start youth again for 2025, can you please be praying for our youth, kids and creche at church. Pray that they will continue to mature in the faith and build their lives on Christ. Please pray for the leaders to continue to model a life of following Christ, to connect with the youth and to keep pointing them to Jesus.

And let’s pray and seek that all of us will continue to grow and become fully mature in Christ.

Grace and Peace,
