When I was learning to ski I remember crashing into a tree. It was strange because there was a nice wide run, with plenty of space, and yet the lone tree seemed to be like a magnet, drawing me in until eventually I was face down in the snow and wondering where my ski had gone.
After I had brushed myself off and retrieved my ski from 50m down the slope, the instructor told me the key to avoiding the tree. Don't look at it! He said, ‘Where ever you look is where you will end up going. If you don’t want to hit the tree, don’t look at it!'
This Sunday we will be finishing our time up in the book of Colossians as well as launching the year by fixing our eyes, our hearts and our minds on the Lord Jesus. He is where we want to go!
As we will see on Sunday, In Colossians 3 the Apostle Paul writes,
’Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.'
This passage lifts us from the distractions and difficulty of life in this broken world where we are tempted to set our hearts on things that are temporary. And Paul sets before us God’s heavenly reality, that Jesus is reigning and ruling and bringing about his eternal kingdom.
With this encouragement in mind, our theme for 2025 is Captivated and Committed. We are praying that God will captivate our hearts by the risen Lord Jesus and that we will be committed to growing his kingdom.
Please make sure you are with us this Sunday as we commit this year to the Lord and fix our eyes on him.
Grace & peace,