Apologies for no eNews last week. I was in transit on my way home from the Reach Australia Conference (or as I prefer - Reach Aotearoa) and unable to fire off my usual email.
In more ways than one, it was a shock to the system to be able to visit Australia for a ministry conference.
First, it has just been such a long time! Our staff would attend this conference every year but we haven't been able to since 2019. A lot of time has passed and a lot has happened in that time. It was a great encouragement to meet with fellow pastors and ministry leaders who are still just as passionate about reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus.
One of the reflections I had was the kindness and protection of God over our church during the pandemic. Relative to a lot of churches, at City on a Hill we've largely stayed together, kept on mission and not been distracted by politics and divisions.
Another shock was the sheer number of people and churches represented at the conference. There were over 840 people there, all of whom were ministry leaders or team members with a heart for the lost and a love for God's word. And they were there to be equipped to be more effective in 'reaching' their communities. We met in a large auditorium however the equivalent conference in NZ could have been held in a classroom such as the need for more gospel-preaching churches in Aotearoa.
The final thing that I was taken aback by was the gospel generosity and partnership of the conference. Dozens and dozens of Aussies were willing to pray and partner with the work of church planting and mission in New Zealand. I didn't detect much of the ego or church size comparisons that can be common at these events. Just a large group of followers of Jesus trying to work out how, under God, they can be more effected and seeing more people save by Christ.
This sort of partnership in the gospel is a beautiful thing. The Apostle Paul writes this to the Philippian church,
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Will you join me in thanking God for this partnership in the gospel?
Grace & peace,
P.S. Andy & Claire were there too. Claire was repping for COAH, Wellington & NZ when she was briefly interviewed before reading the Bible.