
eNews - 1st September 2023

eNews - 1st September 2023

We've had our second sessions of the Life Course this week. So far we've had 10 guests across the session with all those who came in the first week returning for week two! 

Last night as one of the guests was leaving they were gushing with thankfulness for the course so far. They said that their previous experiences of church have been confusing and that they didn't understand what was happening or why. […]

eNews - 18th August 2023

eNews - 18th August 2023

On Monday this week the last of the government's COVID emergency response measures were signalling the final step in our transition to a post-COVID world.

In God's timing, on Tuesday I was interviewed by a researcher from Victoria University about how our church was impacted by the COVID pandemic and the government response to it. […]