‘God’s will’. It’s a contentious phrase.
For some, it raises theological debate around predestination and for others, more personal questions of guidance, like ‘Which job should I take? Who should I marry? or When should we start a family?’ More than that, it raises questions around God’s goodness. When big life decisions don’t turn out how we hoped - we miss the promotion, a relationship breaks down or having children proves more difficult than we thought – we find ourselves asking ‘How on earth could this be your will? Is this really what you desire for me God?’
eNews - 23rd February 2024
‘One size fits all’ or ‘Tailor made’ Love?
A few weeks ago, I read the whole letter of 1 Thessalonians in one sitting. It was an encouraging read of a healthy church. They love one another well. But Paul urges them ‘to do so more and more’. But how? Is love a ‘one size fits all’ kind of thing or does it look different in different relationships?
eNews - 16th February 2024
God is not stingy; generosity is one of his characteristics.
We will see this on Sunday as we look at Jesus miracle of turning water into wine. He doesn't produce cheap cask booze but the finest of wine for the guests of the wedding.
God's greatest and most generous gift towards us is the death of his own Son on our behalf. This mercy and grace is where Jesus takes the penalty we deserve for our sin and rebellion.
eNews - 9th February 2024
This Sunday we will be sharing in the Lord's Supper together at both Morning and Night Church.
For many of us the frequent sharing the Lord's Supper has been part of our regular church experience for many years. For others of us it might be something new or not really done all that often.
Have you ever stopped to ask the question of why do we have this ritual involving a little bit of bread and some juice from a comically sized cup?
eNews - 2nd February 2024
Over the years I've had many conversations with people who says they don't feel very well connected at church.
They don't think they've made any meaningful relationships or friends, they don't feel like they're engaged with the life of the church, and they don't see that they're growing as a follower of Jesus. […]
eNews - 26th January 2024
Early each year we dedicate one Sunday to set our vision for the year as a church together. Our bigger vision hasn't changed, we're still all about multiplying and maturing wholehearted followers of Jesus, but this is a time where we work out what that might look like for us as individuals and as a community over the next 12 months. […]