eNews - 9th February 2023

eNews - 9th February 2023

We're launching for the year this Sunday. It will be a great time when we, as a church whanau, focus together on what we're seeking in 2023.

Our theme for the year is be part of someone's story. Seek to play a part in others coming to know and grow as followers of Jesus.

When I think back to my own story […]

eNews - 27th January 2023

eNews - 27th January 2023

Over the years I've had conversations with someone who says they're not feeling very well connected at church.
They don't think they've made any meaningful relationships or friends, they don't feel like they're engaged with the life of the church and they don't see that they're growing as a follower of Jesus.
As we poke around the issues more often than not these conversations have had one thing in common […]