Another outbreak brings more changes and disruption! It is really beginning to feel like Groundhog Day as we quickly pivot to this new reality.
This weekend is our vision Sunday for 2022. As I've been preparing I have been reminded that it is not up to us to discover or decide on our vision for City on a Hill. As the people of God, his vision is our vision. His mission is our mission. What we need to do is reset out vision in line with God's.
God's vision is clear. We read it in Colossians that God's vision for the world centres on Jesus,
"For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross." (Col 1:19-20)
God's vision is to reconcile the world and everyone in it to himself through his Son Jesus. As the people of God, we are caught up in that vision as God graciously uses us in his plans and purposes.
No matter how the world may change or how our own lives may be flipped around, God's vision remains and his purposes cannot be thwarted. This is a great comfort to us as we continue to trust and serve God in such uncertain times.
Grace & peace,