A life fully DEVOTED to Jesus?
Devoted took place on Tuesday night this week and it was super exciting to see a room full of people taking seriously Jesus' call for us to lay down our lives for him and the gospel.
We looked at Revelation 4-5 and saw that the cross of Jesus is at the centre of ultimate reality and the heart of what God is doing in the world. Jesus is praised as the lamb who was slain because 'with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.' (Rev 5:9)
Through Jesus, God is creating a new humanity which will no longer be bound ethnically and geographically to Israel but will encompass all peoples and stretch to the ends of the earth.
But Jesus isn't just gathering people together, he's assembling them for a purpose. We saw in verse 10, 'You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.’ (Rev 5:10)
Jesus has a mission for his people and his church. We were challenged to think about whether Jesus and his mission take first priority in our lives and if it does, what might that look like?
How about for you?
Grace & peace,