
eNews - 20th August 2021

eNews - 20th August 2021

Keeping on going

As we've descended into lockdown there are only two groups that I am a part of that have committed to continuing to meet together even when we physically can't gather.

Both groups speak of 'keeping each other accountable', 'motivating one another to keep going' and 'not letting something important get put on the back burner'. And both groups seem to be going to great lengths to stay in touch and keep the community going. […]

eNews - 6 August 2021

eNews - 6 August 2021

The God who is in control

It was a great relief to welcome the Shoemarks home this week as they emerged from MIQ in Auckland!

In some sense, their experience over the past six weeks has been a snapshot of life in our COVID world over the past 18 months - lockdowns, quarantine, separation from family and friends, missing significant events, constantly changing plans, uncertainty about the future, relating to people through a zoom screen rather than face-to-face. […]

eNews - 30 July 2021

eNews - 30 July 2021

New sermon series on 1 Samuel

After a challenging few weeks with lots of disruptions because of leave and sickness and quarantine, this week we are beginning a new sermon series in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel.

As I have prepared I have found Dale Ralph Davis’ commentary super helpful and engaging to see how God uses the lowly to bring about his kingdom and his salvation.

Below is an introduction and I hope it whets your appetite for God’s word this term.

"It was the last straw. True, it happened every year. But the time comes when the spirit snaps. The festive mood of the religious celebration only depressed her all the more. Suddenly, she was gone.