
eNews - 2nd September 2022

eNews - 2nd September 2022

I hope on Sunday you were encouraged as I was by the call to radical other-person centredness in Philippians 2. If you missed it you can catch up here. As I mentioned on Sunday, I’m a chronic grumbler. I was really convicted by the call to “do everything without grumbling or arguing” (Phil 2:14). And I don’t think I’m alone in this. […]

eNews - 19th August 2022

When was the last time you invited someone to church?

Last month we had an external consultation to help us be more effective at multiplying and maturing wholehearted followers of Jesus. Some trusted leaders came to City on a Hill to kick the tyres and ask some tricky questions.

All up the experience was actually very encouraging and affirming for much of what we're doing. We're on the right track with team ministry, the Life Course, great kids ministry and clear pathways for welcoming new people and leader development.

While we await the offical report and recommendations, it was clear to those involved that there were a few initial areas of concern...

One was that Tory Street isn't big enough for Night Church. We really need to find a new venue so it can continue to grow! This is a good problem to have to solve!

Second was we really need to begin the hard work of securing a long term property as a base for City on a Hill into the future. In short, we need to buy something! Again, a good problem but daunting to solve!

The third thing that became clear was how it was that new people were finding out about and coming to City on a Hill. It seems like the vast vast majority of people who have joined us in the last 24 months have found us via Google and the Holy Spirit.

One way to look at that is, 'Great! People can find our church, come along and get plugged in!'

Another way to look at that is, 'Oh, so who are the people coming because they were invited by someone already at City on a Hill? Not many...'

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’" Rom 10:14-15

If we're to continue to reach new people and multiply and mature wholehearted followers of Jesus then we, as a whole church, need to grow in our confidence to invite our friends and family along. That's why we've be reviving our 5 for 5 cards (see below), putting on more connection events and trying to share more stories of how God has worked to save people through the Life Course.

We're convinced that Jesus is the greatest person of all time and that real, lasting, satisfying life can be found in his name. That his is the only name through which we can be saved!

What a great hope we have to share! So I'll reframe my initial question, Who is the next person you're planning on inviting to church?

Grace & peace,

eNews - 12th August 2022

On Tuesday night at a mens conference in Christchurch I found myself surrounded by a group of brothers who were all formerly members of City on a Hill. They had each moved away for work, family or ministry and were now plugged into local churches around the city.

It was such a great delight to hear from each of them about how they were continuing to grow as followers of Jesus and use their gifts to serve in their new church communities.

I couldn't help but echo Paul's words in Philippians 1,
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

At City on a Hill we're not just sending mission partners overseas but we're also committed to encouraging and equipping all of God's people to serve wholeheartedly wherever God might lead them. And it was such a joy to see that still happening when folks had left and continued to give of themselves for the sake of God's kingdom.

So may I ask, how are you equipping yourself for service in God's kingdom?

Grace & peace,

eNews - 5th August 2022

This week Paul and I have been in Melbourne at a leadership intensive run by and organisation called Reach Australia. It has been a time of reflecting on how we lead ourselves and God's people in the important task of multiplying and maturing wholehearted followers of Jesus.

We began with gospel convictions - things we know that are true from the scriptures and ought to put fire in our bellies, giving us a sense of urgency for the task at hand.

1. There is a Heaven and Hell. People's eternal destiny hangs in the balance.
2. The fact of the Cross. The only way people can be saved is through the cross. This must be central.
3. God' big vision. In Revelation 5 we see all creation worshiping Jesus. This is where it is all heading and we're caught up in this great work.
4. The brevity of life. Our task is urgent because life is short.
5. We're compelled by love. Love for God and love for others means we will act.
6. Gospel imperatives. God has been clear what he wants us to do. 'Go and make disciples!'

These convictions shape and drive and motivate all that we do at City on a Hill. Why not take a moment and reflect on them? Do you share them? Are there any you're not sure about? Which ones motivated you the most?

Grace & peace,

eNews - 29th July 2022

Churches don't know what to do with single people.

Kids, youth, people getting married, families, yep. We know what to do with them. 

But if you're *insert some age between 25-35 here* and still single... well, not to sure. And if your marriage ends and you find yourself single again... well, that's when things get awkward.

This week I came across this really helpful blog. It is worth a read below.

Marriage, singleness, and rugby in heaven.

Some say that rugby is the game that we’ll play in heaven (I assume it won’t be compulsory). The idea is that if we’ll play it then, then it’s worth watching and playing now! While they don’t have the Scripture to prove it, they do have the somewhat scary Notre-Dame-du-Rugby chapel in South West France.

Putting rugby to one side (phew!), there is truth in the idea that what we do in the New Creation brings dignity and authenticity to what we do now. As Andrew Cameron argues in Chapter 36 of Joined-up Life, singleness is an example of this. Whilst there will be the ultimate marriage of Christ and his church, in the New Creation, in terms of our person-to-person relationships we will be single (Matt 22:30). 
This gives singleness a revolutionary dignity and authenticity that our society (and even churches) can rob from it in their idolatry of ‘coupledom’ and ‘the family’.

I wonder if you’ve ever heard one of those sermons on Singleness which ends up being 10 tips on how to get married and which simply doesn’t uphold Paul’s teaching that both singleness and marriage are two ‘right answers’: ‘So then he who marries his betrothed does well, and he who refrains from marriage will do even better’ (1 Cor 7:38). Singleness is not a problem to be solved by churches, parents or friends.

However, as churches we are to provide a network of close, chaste supportive friendships to help the loneliness that single people (and also married people) can face, and we can pray that God might provide a partner in his time, if that’s what they want. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be married. There is a lot wrong with cultures (in church or wherever) that suggest you need to be.

Single people are harbingers of the New Creation - offering a glimpse a glimpse of heavenly society: ‘they show how care and intimacy can go beyond family boundaries. They nudge members of families out of the introverted obsession with family life that becomes its dark side’.

This raises thoughts for us like:

·      When did we last have a single friend over for dinner?

·      Does the language I use uphold an idolatry of coupledom?

·      How can I learn from the example of my single friends not to be overly distracted by family stuff?

·      I no longer want to ask ‘is there anybody on the scene?’ (implying they are lacking if there is not) but rather ‘how are your friendships going?’ or something similar... 

We may not play rugby in heaven, but in the new future we will gather on a new basis – not culture or genes or kinship – but our united worship of the lamb on the throne! (Rev 7)

Grace & peace,