Day 1
Read - ISAIAH 9:2 / MATTHEW 4:16
Christmas is very hard to wait for, isn’t it? Waiting to open all those presents—it’s so difficult. Especially when you’re little. We countdown the days. We can’t wait. But do you know how long God's people had to wait for Christmas?How long did they have to wait for the gift God had given them? Days no, weeks (try again!), months...keep going… they had to wait for centuries and centuries. Can you imagine? Can you imagine how excited they were when at last Christmas came?
As we wait for Christmas, we’ll go on a journey together. We’ll read a story every day, sing some songs and tell the story of God’s Rescue plan—from the very beginning ... and wait, along with God’s people … for the night of our dear Saviour’s birth.
Family Activity
Parents, make plans for a fun Christmas activity next week that you know your children will love. Perhaps it’s watching a Christmas movie, decorating cookies together. At the end of your family Advent time, promise your kids that you are going to do something special together to celebrate Advent—something they will love—but don’t tell them what or when. As the days go by, remind them of your promise and give them hints as to what it might be. Let their expectation and excitement grow throughout the week. Use this opportunity to remind them of God’s promise to send a Rescuer and the anticipation God’s people felt as they waited.
Submit an Artwork, Poem or Lego Creation
Create an artwork, a comic or a lego creation or something that shows us the idea of waiting for something. Creations will be featured on our social media page and prizes are to be won!
Submit here