Day 12

Read 2 SAMUEL 5:1-5

Kings and shepherds seem like exact opposites. Kings sit on thrones. They wear expensive clothes and talk to important people. Shepherds, on the other hand, stand on the hillsides. They wear clothes that can get dirty and talk mostly to sheep. David was both. He was a shepherd that God chose to be king. A shepherd would probably make an excellent king since shepherds have to be humble and they probably care more about people than about power.

Can you guess who else is a shepherd-king? If you guessed Jesus, you’re exactly right. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He knows all of us; a shepherd knows his sheep, and he was willing to die so we can live. Jesus is also the King of kings. He beat the powers of sin and death. Now, he sits on his throne, ruling over all of creation.


Family Activity

Spend time outside watching the clouds. After Jesus died and came back to life, He returned to heaven by going up into the clouds. The Bible tells us He will return, coming out of the clouds. Spend time imagining what Jesus’ return will look like and pray for Him to come soon.

Submit an Artwork, Poem or Lego Creation

Create an artwork, a comic or a lego creation or something that shows us Jesus the good shepherd.. perhaps some sheep or a shepherd's crook or sheep and a wolf? Creations will be featured on our social media page and prizes are to be won!

Submit here