Day 13

Read 1 JOHN 3:16-20

Have you ever noticed things that you do that are similar to other people? Do you watch the same TV shows as your friends? Do you like the same food as your brother or sister? Is there a phrase your family says that others don’t? When we hang around people we become like them, we follow their example and sometimes we don’t even notice that we are doing it! One of the reasons God sent Jesus to earth was to give us an example to follow. Jesus teaches us what love is when he died on the cross. The love that Jesus shows is all about other people. It is about us. Jesus’ love means that we are rescued from our sins and it is that example of love we are to follow. This Christmas how can you show God’s love to others? Could you let others open their Christmas presents first?

Could you tell someone about how Jesus loved them by being born on the very first Christmas?


Family Activity

Parents, make plans of a way you can, as a family can demonstrate love to others as Jesus has loved us. Perhaps visit an elderly home and hand out homemade cookies. Take a few small gifts to a shelter for women and children. Make a plate of cookies and a homemade Christmas card to your doctor’s office, library, church office, and/or dentist office. The possibilities are endless.

Submit an Artwork, Poem or Lego Creation

Create an artwork, a comic or a lego creation or something that you have created with others, family, friends, neighbours.Creations will be featured on our social media page and prizes are to be won!

Submit here