Day 4
Read ISAIAH 9:1-6
Have you ever waited so long for something that you wondered whether it would ever come? My birthday is right near Christmas, and it always felt like I had to wait SO long for it to come each year. As a kid, Christmas Eve always seemed to last FOREVER, especially as we waited for morning to come and open presents under the tree. The Jewish people were waiting on a Messiah to come, be their champion, and to save them. But the Messiah, Jesus, didn’t come for a LONG time. Isaiah was a prophet in the Old Testament and declared to the people that their Messiah was coming. This prophecy gave the people great hope! They began to expectantly wait for the Messiah because of this hope.
And you know what? Jesus came to Earth just like Isaiah said he would. He was born as a baby, the son of God. Born to a teenage girl from Bethlehem. And He came TO US! To you and to me. What great hope this gives us, that if God kept His promise to come to the earth, I can trust every other promise the bible speaks about!
Family Activity
We have this week been writing cards to our friends and family, but how about today you write a letter to Jesus, thanking him for coming to earth for us, for saving us, for inviting us to be part of his family. It might feel a bit odd writing a letter to Jesus, but it is just like a prayer, in fact why don't you pray it outloud to him together.
Submit an Artwork, Poem or Lego Creation
Create an artwork, a comic or a lego creation or something to show us one thing you are thankful to Jesus for.
Submit here