Day 5

Read ISAIAH 60:1-3

Have you ever got up really early to see the sunrise? It is beautiful to watch; the black sky starts to turn grey, then it glows pink and then an orange ball of light pokes its head above the horizon. Then, all of a sudden, the yellow sun bursts up and blazes in all of its glory.

Isaiah says God’s people, waiting for God’s Messiah, were like people sitting in darkness waiting for the sun to rise.

I love the song ‘O Holy Night, ’ and it says at the birth of Jesus, ‘yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.' When Jesus was born as a little baby, it was like the sky went from black, to Grey, to pink, to orange to blazing yellow. In this little baby, the full glory of God appeared! When he came into the world he dispelled the darkness of sin, death, curse and judgement by his death on the cross. May all nations and people sit and watch the brightness of his dawn!


Family Activity

Are you a morning person? How about getting up really early together to watch the sunrise together. If the idea of that puts knots in your tummy, why not watch some beautiful sunrises online or browse sunrise photos, that those early risers have lovingly shared.

Submit an Artwork, Poem or Lego Creation

Create an artwork a comic or a lego creation or something that shows us the most stunning sunrises.

Submit here